The National Bargaining Council for Hairdressing, Cosmetology, Beauty & Skincare HCSBC) is currently processing exemptions for 2024 from membership of the HBSI Fund until December 2023.
This period includes applications and appeals. If exemption is not applied for or granted within the above period, an establishment will be required to make contributions to the HBSI Fund. Enforcement procedures may follow if that is not adhered to.
Salon owners who wish to avoid getting billed in the year 2024 are urged to ensure that all applications are completed and submitted as soon as possible within this period.
All exemption application forms for Pension Fund must be supported by a Broker form filled out by the existing Broker and Motivation Letters from all employees.
Existing exemptions granted for the year 2023 will automatically expire on the 31st of December 2023, and Invoices will be levied in accordance with the Collective Agreement if your application is not received by the Council in a timely manner and/or an exemption is not granted.
The Exemption application is available to download from the website (Annexure D) at http://hcsbc.co.za/downloads/ or you may request an application form via email from exemption@hcsbc.co.za.
Hearings are scheduled for 31 October 2023, 24 November 2023 and 8 December 2023