With all hair salons in South Africa closed during the COVID-19 lockdown, which came into effect on 27 March, both the HCSCB and EOHCB have issued important information for employers.
For all those salon owners whose staff members wish to claim from the Covid-19 Temporary Employee Relief Scheme, the EOHCB (Employers Organisation for Hairdressing Cosmetology Beauty) notes that owners must please advise the UIF (Unemployment Insurance Fund) of their closure via covid19ters@labour.gov.za and await the automatic response which will outline the application process.
Says the EOHCB: “Remember that salon owners claim for business relief through the website www.smmesa.gov.za. The Temporary Employee Relief Scheme has been set up to assist with claiming salaries for employees during lockdown.”
Sick Benefit Fund
Meanwhile, the HCSBC (National Bargaining Council for the Hairdressing Cosmetology Beauty & Skincare Industry) has received multiple queries regarding the Covid-19 virus.
In response they have provided an update on the Sick Benefit Fund, for people who fall ill as a result of the virus.
In terms of Sick Benefits, the following applies:
1. The normal sick leave process should still apply. The employee must be booked off by a doctor with an official medical certificate. In this case, the employee can submit a claim with the Sick Pay Fund for the days booked off.
2. Should no medical certificate be received, we will not be able to pay the claim. The employer will take this as unpaid leave.
3. Currently, those infected with the virus have been placed in home isolation or been hospitalised. If an employee falls within this category, again, there should be a valid medical certificate and a claim can be submitted to the Sick Pay Fund. According to the W.H.O., the period for isolation is normally 14 days.
4. The HCSBC advises that salon owners please encourage their employees to contact their local clinic and doctor by phone, or call the Covid-19 hotline on 0800 029 999 before travelling to the doctor or clinic, if they suspect that they have the virus. This will allow them to get the most up to date advice on how to proceed to obtain treatment, and also obtain the medical certificate, in the safest way and without putting other people at risk.
Sick Pay Fund Claims
Please note that no Sick Pay Fund Claim will be paid without the relevant information attached to the claim.
When submitting a claim and an employee works a five day week, it is imperative that the register/roster for that person also be attached to indicate the days the employee was due to work.
For more information click here