Creating a budget is the only way to see if you’re spending money the way you think you are.
If you’re not sure where to start, Jared Hines of the award-winning Hines & Harley Men’s Grooming Lounge in Johannesburg, provides some valuable tips in the February 2022 issue of the Salon International digital magazine. For instance, Hines advises salon owners to give every rand a ‘job’, based on what they think is the best use of their business funds, and then go back and compare their plan with reality to see how they did.
In addition, Hines provides the seven components that he believes are essential to any good budget.
To read the article on pages 11 and 12 click here https://issuu.com/professionalbeautysa/docs/si_jan-feb_2022/11?fr=sMTI2NTQ2NTMzMzI