Business Insider South Africa reports that several hairdressers and barbers have been covertly performing haircuts for clients during the COVID-19 national lockdown.
The recent announcement by government that South Africa will move to Level 3 on 1 June offers no reprieve for hairdressing services, with salons still to be prohibited from operating at a service level. Salons will only be allowed to sell all their retail personal care products.
According to the Business Insider South Africa article, the lockdown restrictions have led to the dynamic of illegal haircuts, as has been the trend reported in Ireland, the US and the UK.
The article quotes Dane Frost, divisional manager of the EOHCB (Employers Organisation for Hairdressing, Cosmetology and Beauty) KwaZulu Natal, who said that he is aware of reports of South African hairdressers and barbers offering haircuts on the black market. He noted that police will fine any hairdresser or barber arrested for cutting people’s hair in their professional capacity.
Several anonymous haircutting professionals approached by Business Insider South Africa said they were providing haircuts in their clients’ homes because they desperately need the money or they want to assist their long-standing clients. In some cases this has led to a spike in the rate charged for haircuts.