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How to combat hair loss and increase growth

A high-tension hairdo (Photo by Etty Fidele on Unsplash)

Tension hairstyles, genetics and lifestyle are three important factors that may pertain to unnatural hair loss in clients.

Normal daily shedding of hair sees the average person lose about a hundred hairs a day; it’s when these hairs don’t grow back that results in hair loss.

According to the experts at Sunpac, John Hopkins Medicine recently reported that almost half of African women experience hair loss at some point in their lives. This is a staggering statistic, which has led to a lot of research and investigation as to why hair loss is so prevalent.

Traction alopecia refers to a type of hair loss that occurs when the hair is repeatedly pulled at. This can result from high-tension hairstyles such as braids and dreadlocks, and is also prevalent among women who use chemicals to treat or straighten their hair.

The South African Hair Foundation explains: “Traction alopecia is hair loss caused by tight braiding or pulling on the hair, and is temporary if the traction is short term but becomes permanent with prolonged trauma. Usually the situation that we see is a bald area at the very front of the hairline, and this is commonly seen in African woman where the hair has been tightly braided (”

Chronic pulling of the hair associated with high-tension hairstyles may cause too much tension and traction on the hair follicles, which may cause them to permanently dislodge from the scalp.

Certain types of hair loss are genetic, and unfortunately there is very little (or nothing) that can be done about it. This is commonly known as alopecia areata and female pattern hair loss.

Stress and an unhealthy diet can also lead to hair loss and many women report experiencing hair loss during severely stressful periods of their lives. Luckily, in most cases, hair grows back after the stressful period ends. Many illnesses and medical conditions can also lead to hair loss.


While there are some instances in which medical intervention may be necessary, there are many things that can be done to avoid hair loss from happening, and to help hair grow back. These include leading a healthy lifestyle to ensure your body functions optimally. Low levels of iron and vitamin D may contribute to hair loss, so it’s important to maintain sufficient levels of those nutrients, even if by means of supplementation. Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables and avoid processed foods as much as possible.

If you wear your hair in a high-tension style, it might be time to reconsider. Ask your hairstylist to create looser braids or dreads to prevent traction alopecia, and try to remove your braids every couple of months and alternate them with other styles. Minimise heat styling and if you want to relax your hair, make sure that this treatment is done by a professional. If you start to experience hair loss, avoid relaxers completely.

Invest in a healthy hair care routine, such as the Perfect Hair’s Grow on the Go range, as using the right hair care products go a long way in assisting a healthy scalp and hair growth, as well as strengthening the hair. When selecting hair care products, be sure to find treatments that not only protect and nourish your hair, but also your scalp.


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